Really! And, quite frankly, I’m sick and tired of programmers talking about them like this (not all programmers, some are worse than others, and all the usual disclaimery stuff applies).
This is where most of my posts will be
Tubecaster 3 UI Mockup
Here’s a mockup of the main window for the upcoming Tubecaster 3. The release will include support for multiple downloads at once, playlist download support and built-in media conversion tools. Stay tuned!
Pre-populate Django ModelForm with Specific Queryset
I just had a situation where I was trying to filter the queryset for a ModelMultipleChoiceField based on the currently logged-on user. I was going crazy trawling through the Django docs and eventually Google. It seemed like something which should be so simple, but there was no obvious way to do it. Eventually I found the answer, and it IS simple!
Read More →Server Fault Private Beta
Following on from the wildly successful Stack Overflow programming questions and answers website, Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky have launched Server Fault, a questions and answers site following the same format but now for “system administrators and IT professionals” (currently in Private Beta, click here for sign-up instructions). live
I’ve just launched a new website for Tubecaster. The new site was created with Django, with which I’m extremely impressed.
The new site also contains bug reporting and feature request links.